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Boost your Vitality and Energize your life!
My mission is to give people energy for life through energetic training and my book, where I aim for an energetic life full of zest for life!

Energetic people

About EnerG4life
What is EnerG4life?
Today, many people suffer from burnout, stress and a lack of energy. One in seven workers even suffer from burnout complaints. That's 1.3 million people. This means that workers spend 11 million days a year at home sick due to work stress and pressure. Dit is zonde en zeker ook niet nodig.
Unfortunately, our body and brain are not adapted to the many changes. This causes a short circuit in the body (burnout). You cannot always change the environment, but we can change our mindset, behavior and habits. Je hebt tenslotte zelf de regie over je eigen energie.
I will help you through interactive inspiring workshops aimed at prevention. EnerG4life immersion stands for energy for life, also known as zest for life. And I'll give that to everyone!

Energetic workshops
Why EnerG4life?
The workshops are given in an enthusiastic and people-oriented manner, so you will immediately experience a lot of energy during the training. I believe in a practical approach, which immediately provides you with tools to put the knowledge you have learned into practice. Er is bewust gekozen voor workshops in groepsverband. Er ontstaat een groepsdynamiek, dit leidt tot herkenning, vertrouwen en saamhorigheid binnen de groep en bevordert de leercurve.
In addition to the workshop, there is also an extensive book with matching inspiring assignments. This book gives you tools to create a high energy level in the long term and can be read again as a reference work. We obviously want a sustainable result and not a quick fix.
As an extra bonus, you also get an energy result measurement. This ensures that you can measure where you are now and whether you have achieved the desired result.
As a result you can expect;

Discover how you can create limitless energy with EnerG4life
Sharing experiences and knowledge of every person is a great advantage of learning in groups. The feeling of recognition and recognition is also a nice additional effect, in addition to the social aspect of connecting with people.
Energetic handles
Discover the book
In addition to the energetic and interactive workshops, my book can also be ordered separately. In the boek vind je everything about the 6 different elements and matching inspiring assignments.
You can view the preview copy via the link below.

Brands with boundless energy

Recent workshops
Read reports of the recent workshops here and experience the atmosphere.
Connect and start your path!
Do you have any questions or would you like more information about the workshops or other services?