The 6 Elements

The power of Energy and Vitality

Energetic handles

The 6 elements are described separately with Energy as their core

Why do we name these six specific elements, with Energy as the core?

Deze zes elementen zijn gebaseerd op onderzoek van Dan Buettner. Hij en zijn team aan wetenschappers hebben onderzoek gedaan naar gebieden waar de gemiddelde leeftijd van de mensen bovengemiddeld is en waarbij de mensen nog vitaal zijn. Deze mensen werden gemiddeld meer dan 100 jaar. Er zijn een aantal gebieden in de wereld waar dit het geval is, deze gebieden hebben ze Blue zones genoemd.

A Blue zone is a place in the world where people live in good health, without medication or disability, and live longer than average. There are five of these areas around the world. Through many interviews, conversations, research into living conditions and eating & drinking habits, Dan Buettner and his team have found a number of common denominators that make the people in those areas older than average.

What the people in the Blue zone all had in common was that they had a lot of energy until their death and remained vital for a very long time. She radiated with life energy. The six elements of Energ4life are based on the common denominators of this large-scale scientific research. These six elements have the greatest impact on our own energy level and vitality and we will discuss them extensively during the training.

With energy at its core

Click on an element and discover it

With an eye on the future

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In addition to the energetic and interactive workshops, my book can also be ordered separately. In the boek vind je everything about the 6 different elements and matching inspiring assignments.

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Discover how you can create limitless energy with EnerG4life

Sharing experiences and knowledge of every person is a great advantage of learning in groups. The feeling of recognition and recognition is also a nice additional effect, in addition to the social aspect of connecting with people.

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Energy is the fuel of life. I call it life energy or zest for life. If you have a lot of energy, you often have a lot of zest for life. You're shining. But how do you keep your energy up in this society? Today we are busy with all kinds of things, we want a large social network, we want to look good, we want to exercise enough, we want to have a career and oh yes, we also have a family to support. Well, is that all possible? The energy really does run out at some point.


Every thought, emotion and behavior has a positive or negative charge on your body and mind. As humans, we mainly crave positive energy. Unfortunately, many people suffer from fatigue. This could be a signal of incorrect energy management. Stress is also a well-known example of this and indicates an imbalance in your body and mind. To achieve sufficient energy, it is important that your body and mind are in balance. The nice and beautiful thing is that you can partly control your own energy balance, you don't always have everything under control, but you can control a large part. In the training we will focus on the six elements that influence your energy needs. The elements are briefly explained further. I see energy as Core, with the six elements surrounding it. Where the elements are interconnected. Just like a dead phone battery, remember that without energy you can't do much. So it all starts with energy, before you can work on the other elements that can increase your energy even further. Give yourself that energy and zest for life and get moving!


Another word for meaning is your life purpose or life mission. In other words, what gives your life meaning? What do you get up for every day? The majority of people are not always concerned with their life purpose, in fact many people have no idea what their life purpose is. And how do you know what your own meaning is? You often feel this in your body, you shine and shine when you are working on it, talking about it or thinking about it.

You can often trace this back to what you liked to do as a child. It can also be the small projects or goals in your life that give you energy to get out of bed. To better understand your own meaning or IKIGAI, as the Japanese call it, you need to do self-examination. Self-examination through activities and learning to listen to your body. You cannot come up with your own meaning, you have to live and feel it. During the training we use a model that is often used to discover and experience your own meaning.

Meaning is one of the most influential elements on our energy.


This element often comes last for many people. Resting, sleeping, recovering and doing nothing for a while are activities that many people consider a waste of time. 

But proper recovery is so important for your own energy balance. We try to do as much as possible in one day and everything as efficiently as possible. If we can save time on sleep, we have more time for the “useful” things of the day. Our environment doesn't make it easy either. Not only is a lack of sleep present in many people, but also the head that is on all day long. We are constantly thinking, worrying, analyzing and rethinking. We have approximately 60,000 thoughts in a day and we receive more than 174 newspapers' worth of information. We have so many stimuli to process that our brain can no longer handle it. 

We also sleep shorter so that our brain cannot recover. In short, we make ourselves sick and create a burnout if you don't put on the brakes in time. But how do you prevent this? And what happens to your body during stress or a burn-out? And why does one person get a burn-out and another does not under the same circumstances. We will answer these questions in the training and we will work with practical tools and tips. We also delve deeper into our sleep and discuss effective ways to recover.


The Greek physician Hippocrates had the following statement; Let food be our medicine and medicine not our food. Everyone knows it. When we have a bit of a headache or muscle pain, we quickly turn to paracetamol. We want to be back to normal as quickly as possible. We quickly ignore the signal from the body here. What does the body want to say when you have a headache? Besides the fact that we like to quickly get to the quick fix, we also find healthy eating quite a challenge. It is also a whole jungle of manufactured sugars and fats at the moment. How do you maintain a healthy weight despite all those treats? How do you resist the supermarket? People have only gotten fatter in recent years. What does the body really need to get sufficient energy from food? We will discuss all these questions in more detail during the training. We also discuss the latest trends such as Intermitted Fasting, low-carb and protein-rich eating

We explain the importance of stable blood sugar and the connection with Type 2 Diabetes.? Finally, we discuss which nutrients affect our body and which affect our energy levels in a positive or negative way. In short, if you want to gain more insight into your diet and get as much energy as possible from it, I definitely recommend this training! You want to nourish your body with the best products, right?


A healthy and happy mind is priceless and yet we often don't treat it that way. Now what is a healthy mind? And what does mindset have to do with your energy? There is no short answer to this question, but the bottom line is that how you talk, think and feel to yourself can increase or decrease your own energy. In other words, if you are angry and rejecting of yourself, your energy will not flourish, but you will rather feel lethargic and low in energy. Our mindset and the way we view and think about ourselves is crucial for your energy level.

Our brain is mysterious. The brain is neuroplastic, in short this means that our brains are partly malleable, at least the connections. It is very nice that our brain is neuroplastic, this allows us to make behavioral changes and also teach ourselves things. We will discuss in detail how you can best implement behavioral changes during the training on this element. You can also see our own thoughts as medicine. They are powerful and can even make you better. The opposite can also happen, that you talk and think yourself sick. In this element we will talk about the most powerful instrument we all have, our brain. We provide practical tools on how we can best use our brain so that it increases our energy level.


People are herd animals by nature and want to be part of the group. In fact, in prehistoric times we lived as a herd and needed each other to survive. There is currently a strong individualistic turn in society. 

This includes the many single-person households, exercising alone (fitness, running, cycling), working from home and so on. It is certainly not bad to do things alone, but we sometimes forget that humans are by nature a group animal. Connecting with people gives us energy and pleasure. In fact, social support is one of the strongest protective factors against psychological complaints. Research into the consequences of loneliness also once again exposes the importance of social contacts. So we recognize the importance of social connections, but in practice we do little with them. In addition, it is also important to be connected to yourself. How do you do this? And what does this mean? I would like to explain this to you in my training. We also discussed how you can get closer to yourself and do what makes you happy internally. In short, get connected! This is exactly why the training consists of group training, to be part of that group and to receive social support.


Our bodies are designed to move. Born to run is said by many scientists. I completely agree with this, with my passion for running and exercise.

The open-plan offices are only full of desks and chairs. We sit almost all day and our glutes are so weak that we have problems with this later.

But what does movement have to do with energy? It only costs energy, right? It is true that exercise costs energy, but we often do not think about the positive effects that exercise has on our body and mind. Whereby new energy is formed. In addition, exercise has a major impact on our mental well-being. There are scientists who would rather get people moving than prescribe antidepressants. Exercise activates the entire body, many processes are activated. Positive consequences are; better blood circulation, increasing your lung capacity, stimulation of bone building, beneficial effect on cells, nerves and hormones and so on. The only question is how much should you exercise and what type of exercise? By practicing strength sports you train different muscles and activate different processes in the body than with gentle walking or yoga. The question of what your body needs is unique for every person, yet there is a common thread that we would like to reveal to you in the training sessions. So get moving!