We have so many stimuli to process that our brain can no longer handle it.
Energetic handles
Last resort recovery?
This element often comes last for many people. Resting, sleeping, recovering and doing nothing for a while are activities that many people consider a waste of time.
But proper recovery is so important for your own energy balance. We try to do as much as possible in one day and everything as efficiently as possible. If we can save time on sleep, we have more time for the “useful” things of the day. This is the thought that many people have; We sleep and rest at a different time. Our environment makes it for us not easy either. Not only is sleep deprivation present in many people, but also the brain is the whole day on. We are constantly thinking, worrying, analyzing and rethinking. We have approximately 60,000 thoughts in a day and we receive more than 174 newspapers' worth of information. We have so many stimuli to process that our brain can no longer handle it. We also sleep shorter so that our brain cannot recover.
In short, we make ourselves sick and create a burnout if you don't put on the brakes in time. But how do you prevent this? And what happens to your body during stress or burnout? And why does one person get a burnout and another does not under the same circumstances. We will return to these questions in the training and we will work with practical tools and tips. We also delve deeper into our sleep and discuss effective ways to recover.

With an eye on the future
Discover the book
In addition to the energetic and interactive workshops, my book can also be ordered separately. In the book you will find everything about the 6 different elements and matching inspiring assignments.
You can view the preview copy via the link below.
Discover how you can create limitless energy with EnerG4life
Sharing experiences and knowledge of every person is a great advantage of learning in groups. The feeling of recognition and recognition is also a nice additional effect, in addition to the social aspect of connecting with people.
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