
Work together with people in one mission for the best future.

Get to know me

Who is Kirsten?

I would like to introduce myself and take you along on my journey to EnerG4life. My name is Kirsten Schaft, born in Zaandam (1987) and graduated in Finance & Investments from Erasmus University (2009). Later I completed the HBO lifestyle coach training (2022).

I was 22 years old when I graduated and then the whole world is open to you. What are you going to do? Or what is expected of you? You have nice papers in your pocket, you live in a rich country and everything is good with your health. After my studies, I decided to apply for a job at a bank where I enjoyed working for about 13 years. I was used to working hard and having to be continuously productive, doing deals and working to deadlines. This drive in combination with my eagerness to learn and curiosity ensured that I achieved a lot in the business field.

Since my student days, I have also studied personal development in addition to normal literature. I was curious about human psychology, communication and behavior, and above all about overall human health.

After a trip through South Africa, I was touched by the children who radiated energy and happiness, while they had nothing. I had everything on paper; a good job, big house, enough money, a large social group of friends, loving parents and good health. I liked challenges and adventure. But still there was something I was missing, I didn't feel any real satisfaction in my (work) life for the most part.

Story Teller

Quit my job, sold my house and started my business!

I have drastically changed course several times, eagerly looking for what I was missing. Quit my job, sold my house and started my business! I thought that was it. But then I discovered that working independently in combination with the financial world was not the right combination for me.

Over the years I have become increasingly interested in nutrition, running and psychology. I started meditating and writing daily, I was curious and eager to learn about human vitality. During the Corona period there was suddenly that peace that made me realize that I wanted to turn my passion into my work, and I started an HBO training course to become a Lifestyle Coach. My energy was often low during the Corona time due to a lack of social contacts and adventures and activities that I always enjoyed.

During my training I discovered that there are several aspects that give you sufficient life energy and that this can sometimes be complex matter. I delved into books and read many scientific articles to learn more about our energy. 

Back to my search for what I was missing. The past Corona period has made me realize how lonely you can feel. When the lockdown started, I no longer felt part of groups, such as your colleagues and running buddies. This caused me an energy leak. Because I had the feeling of not being connected, I experienced gloom and lethargy. I asked myself if I was in the right place with my work. Did I start doing the work because it was expected of the environment and society? And why was it that I couldn't always put my energy and energy into my work?

I love sharing knowledge, speaking in front of groups and connecting with people. In the meantime, I remained curious about vitality and life energy. That is where my passion and my strength lies in sharing this knowledge with people. In my spare time I started setting up EnerG4life. Without energy you can do very little and I have experienced that myself during the Corona period. My motto is also; a path of its own is created by walking on it and this is my path. I knew that a career change was waiting here. I am proud that I had the courage to change course and see what this choice brings me. My mission is to give every person energy for life. Because you deserve that!

I think it would be great fun to get to know you and help you live an energetic life.

My Dream

My dream is that every person does what makes him or her happy and has sufficient life energy. I would love it if everyone would take better care of themselves and dare to make conscious choices. In other words, dare to take control of his or her energy! Ultimately, this makes everyone more energetic.

How great would it be if people were fitter and healthier? That we feel more connected to our loved ones and experience more joy in life.

I also have the dream to realize Casa Vitalidad in Spain. A community where you feel at home and where you can be who you are. There is the opportunity to participate in activities such as walking, cycling, yoga, hiking, cooking workshops and meditations. There is also the opportunity to work or relax. You can also follow training courses or one-on-one coaching here. What is most important is that people experience pleasure and a greater zest for life.

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Contact details

Contact me and start your path to an energetic life.

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+31 6 22926920

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